Hey, hey all in Pop land,
Well, it seems I am a bit behind the times as this has all been done and dusted on other sites….but I am a bit slow and have never professed not to be. Besides, this is the ultimate list you have all been waiting for anyway (right?). So please grab a cold beverage, make yourself comfortable and prepare to indulge in what is my Top list for 2005….enjoy!
Top 10 Singles:-
1. Ben Lee - Catch My Disease:
This song made me like the guy. Before its release I thought he was an arrogant, cocky little turd. Now I think he is a little cutie (that was once a turd) that has done some growing up and some reassessing of his life and his attitude. Besides all that, it just makes you feel good. You can’t stay sad after listening to this song!
2. Shannon Noll – Shine:
This song silenced the critics. The man can sing, and this song is proof. This song converted haters to toleraters (not fans yet, but in time they will come. Baby steps). He makes me proud to be an Aussie!
3. Kanye West - Gold Digger:
This song took ages to grow on me. I couldn’t understand it for months; then it hit me like a tidal wave…so damn funky! You can’t stand still when you hear this.
4. Gwen Stefani - What You Waiting For?:
Hello Ms. Stefani, hello solo career; hello hugely successful solo album, not to mention a kick ass film clip. Gwen at her best…
5. Rogue Traders - Voodoo Child:
Who would have thought that Izzy from Neighbours had it in her?!? You go girl! Baby, baby, baby!
6. Backstreet Boys - Incomplete:
The boys prove they’ve still got it! Then follow it up with a piss-take film clip…it’s about time they got some of their own back! Respect!!!
7. Jesse McCartney – Beautiful Soul:
Don’t laugh, you have to admit you have sung along to it in your car! Don’t deny it. Yes, he is about 15, yes, it is wrong…but I love it!
8. Foo Fighters – Best of You:
This song gives me goose bumps. Dave Grohl was born to create the Foo Fighters, God bless him!
9. Snoop Dogg – Signs:
JT and tha Dowg…hell yeah! Great on the dance floor! When will JT stop collaboration on other peoples’ songs and get some new solo stuff out??? Let it be soon…
10. The Wrights – Evie (Parts 1, 2 & 3):
This song makes me proud to be Australian. All versions rock and are an amazing show case of the talent we have hidden here! Crack open a VB and sing/air guitar along with pride!
Top 10 Albums:-
Foo Fighters – In You Honor:
One word…Wow. This is the album they were destined to make, this is spectacular. Dave Grohl could never be JUST a drummer and this proves it. It is the perfect mix of rock, pop and ballads. It doesn’t get much better than this!
Robbie Williams – Intensive Care:
Criminal not to put him #1, but at least you know this means I am being extremely honest! It is no ‘Escapology’, far from it, but it is fantastic in a way that Robbie has never been fantastic before. He seems to be enjoying things more and I cannot wait to see these unique songs performed live. It is the sort of album that grows on you with every listen.
Shannon Noll – Lift:
Please see comments regarding ‘Shine’ for starters. Shannon is given more creative control to make am album that is truly his…and what an album! Key moment on this album is ‘Now I Run’, I believe this is the next single and I believe it has the potential to take this album to another place altogether and win him more new fans, again.
Alex Lloyd – Alex Lloyd:
There had never been any doubt that Alex is an amazing artist and song writer. This album is a return to form, not that there was anything wrong with his last album, but this one is better. It feels more comfortable, there is an unexplainable continuance between the tracks. The songs convert well live, and he seems more comfortable within himself performing them. Go Alex!
Coldplay – X&Y:
Another album that takes a few listens. It is like discovering a new treasure with every listen. This is not a background album by any stretch of the imagination…Again, I will be interested to see how these songs go live; I expect they will be brilliant.
Gorillaz – Demon Days:
RIP Blur, they were past their used by date anyway…they peaked at ‘The Great Escape’. Long live the Gorillaz! Love 'Demon Days' and 'Dare' was unlucky not to make my Top 10 Singles.
U2 – How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb:
Does this band ever make a mistake? Even in their darkest hour (‘Zooropa’) they are better than most bands could ever hope to be. The songs in this album relating to Bono’s Father strike a chord with me. It amazes me how they drift from Rock Gods to bone tingling ballads that haunt you. Big tip for gig of 2006!
End of Fashion – End of Fashion:
Oh Yeah! Love it. Feel good soft rock, not complicated, just damn good. Nothing like the Sleepy Jackson; the world is better off to have both bands.
Live – Awake: The Best Of:
Hats off to Live. They have lasted a bloody long time, and there are few that can do it like they do. New album out early next year. Will let you know a date ASAP.
Top 5 Gigs:-
Foo Fighters – Rod Laver Arena:
Blew my mind. Dave Grohl is witty, funny and a captivating performer/front man. Throw in their countless hits; the perve factor of Taylor and a wicked lighting show (not to mention Kaiser Chiefs as support) and there is not much more you can ask for in a gig.
Missy Higgins (Ben Lee) – Myer Music Bowl:
What a show. Perfect Summers night, amazing music in the aftermath of several ARIA award wins and superb music. Ben is recharged and upbeat; Missy is modest and amazing. Unforgettable.
Rob Thomas – Mercury Lounge:
I practically had to kill to get a ticket for this. Mr. Thomas is quite the performer and seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself. This is probably the most intimate setting you will get to see him in….it was worth it!
Brian Adams – Rod Laver Arena:
Again, a bit daggy I know, but let’s face it the man has had more hits than you can poke a stick at; and he duets with Shannon Noll and Brian McFadden. I don’t care if I get teased. My Mum and I went and had the time of our lives…Bring it on!!!
End of Fashion – The Corner:
I love seeing a band play when you know they are on the verge of cracking the scene…there is anticipation, a hunger and an unexplainable excitement. These guys have only just begun; they are amazing live and love their music. Stay tuned for big thing.
Top 5 Favourite TV Shows:-
1. Lost:
The most frustrating, yet intriguing show on television. Hot cast, amazing story lines, twist after twist…bring on February when it comes back! My hot tip is aliens…but that doesn’t explain the Polar Bears?
2. Desperate Housewives:
The new Sex in the City. Hotties, gossip, bitchiness…a girls dream!
3. Veronica Mars:
Love a good mystery, this show is the only shining light in the non-rating Summer!
4. Home and Away:
An oldie, but a goodie. God bless the writers of this show…they have it all. I love Amanda and the old duck... Can Beth save him (queue dramatic music)?
5. Big Brother:
Sluts, bastards, liars and cheats. The rewards room, a sauna and majority singles. People we love to hate. Every year I swear not to watch it, every year it hooks me in!
Well that’s t kids. Sure I have made some surprising choices!
‘Til next time!
Pop Princess