Christmas in July
It is that time of year…with albums being pencilled in for release for Christmas (I know it is July, but believe me, it is on all the record labels minds already) we will have a listening feast of new tunes to enjoy from high profile artists over the next couple of months.
Christina Aguilera ‘Ain’t No Other Man’ is front runner for a place in my Top 5 for singles of the year. Aside from the fact that the song is hot; I am loving the fact that she is over her “skank” phase and going for a bit of “sexiness with class” for the film clip. The song is fun to dance to, and that gal has a set of lungs on her…meaning she can really sing. Can’t wait for the album.
Kasey Chambers ‘Nothing at All’ is a little less country than what fans have come to expect from her in the past. Is this a problem? Hell no! In fact, this may be the track that sees Kasey welcome some new, younger fans into her already well established fan base. The clip is bright, colourful and playful, and the song is very sweet and grows on you with each listen.
Justin Timberlake ‘Sexy Back’ is a troubling one for me. I can’t decide how I feel about it. It is not at all I was expecting. You cannot even tell it is JT on the vocals. The jury is still out for me on this, I don’t hate it…but I don’t love it yet. It is one of those songs I need to live with for awhile before I discover my true feeling for it. I have been humming it all day though…which is a good sign early.
Fergie (BEP’s) ‘London Bridges’ can not be described any better than as a major let down. A one word description hmm…disaster springs to mind. Could you have a more hyped release, or a better set up than being in the Peas??? What is this crap? Is she trying to be hard-core? didn't Jo-Ho teach her that swearing in a song does not automatically give it "cred". Get a life.
Janet (and Nelly) ‘Call on Me’ is a fine pop song. But that is it. It is fine. Maybe it would be better than fine if we hadn’t already had ‘Dilemma’ from Nelly and Kelly and numerous pop anthems from the very lovely Miss. Jackson. The problem is that we know what these artists are capable of, and they can do better. It is not a bad song, but it is far from their best. Cruisey beats - check…breathy vocals – check…sexy clip – not sure yet. It will sell, but it is a bit long winded and, dare I say, boring?
Beyonce ‘Deja vu’ – B and Jay-Z have done it again. Another contender for the Top 5 for the best of 2006 by Pop Princess. It is not ‘Crazy in Love’ – but it is nearly as good. Get up and shake your booty…no way you can sit still when this little baby comes on. Love it, love them. Respect.
We should be hearing something before the end of the year from Silverchair and Jet too, on the local front.
Undercover ( have reported that Tim Burton will direct the music video for ‘Bone’, the planned third single from The Killers new album ‘Sam’s Town’. At least Tim Burton will have plenty of time to work on ideas, as the first single is yet to be released.
Oh and has anyone seen the Rude Box activity going on with You Tube??? Shake ya Rude Box people…you’ll be glad you have soon.
That’s it for now…keep blogging!
Pop Princess xo
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