Wednesday, December 20, 2006

No Kylie - but what a show!

So you have probably read quite a wide range of Robbie Williams reviews from his 'Close Encounters' tour of Australia, which concluded with two shows in Melbourne. I have read everything from glowing to quite scathing reports from journalists who went to this show. is mine.

I will be honest from word go. I am biased where Robbie is concerned, but I will tell you the truth, through my eyes. Firstly, the 'Close Encounters' tour was not as good as his previous tour. But then, could it be? In my opinion, his last tour was hands down the best I have ever seen. He was clearly competing with himself, in the best concert ever stakes!
It was clear that he was tired, and glad for the tour to be ending. Having said that, it looked to me that he gave the final two shows in Melbourne all that he had to give.

I felt that Monday night's final show flowed much better than Sundays. Whether this is because it was the last show, or he was more rested or whatever, I don't know. But, as it has been mentioned to me by others, the crowd seemed more involved on Monday night, perhaps feeding him extra energy as the performer.

Robbie's set list was interesting. It is not so much the songs he chose, but more the order in which he performed them that seemed a little odd. Please see below...

Set List
Rock DJ
Sin Sin Sin
Make Me Pure
Me and My Shadow
- with Jonny Wilkes
Strong -
Jonny Wilkes
Staying Alive
- Bee Gees verse - with
Jonny Wilkes
Back For Good
Advertising Space
Come Undone/Walk on the Wild Side

Let Me Entertain You
She's The One

I respect that he didn't want to open with Let Me Entertain You - he is probably over it - it did liven up the crowd for the encore - but surely it would have worked better around Rock DJ??? The mood seemed very up and down. Kids was also an interesting choice to close with perhaps Angels and Kids should have been swapped around?

The swing track with Jonny Wilkes was cute - but that is when Jonny should have left. Two and a half songs + the whole "Aussie wave" and banter was just too much. Sorry to be harsh, but we didn't pay to see Jonny! I was very disappointed at his decision not to play Lovelight. As this is the current single! He did play it at the Perth show - but I think that was the only one.

So, having said all that. .The set and lighting was the best I have ever seen bar-none. The band and back-up singers and dancers were perfect. Robbie was his usual charismatic, cheeky, sexy and mischievous self. He won the audiences heart moment after moment. Lets face it - Robbie himself - regardless of what he is singing - is a showman and a show in his own right. I would go and watch him talk for 2 hours and leave happy.

Robbie had moments of utter brilliance. The only artists I have ever seen do better is the younger and less tired Robbie I saw two years ago. SO - Don't believe all you read. The journalists who wrote particularly scathing reviews were waiting for this tour not to live up to the last one. They did not review the show as it's own, but as a comparision to past ones...which is not fair. Had audience memebers NOT been to the last show - I am sure they would rate the 'Close Encounters' shows as oen of, if not the, best show they have ever seen. It truly was a wonderful concert!

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